River Lot 490, Box 2 Aubigny, Manitoba R0G 0C0 Canada Phone: (204) 882-2110
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September 2007
It has been a very busy spring and summer at Blatta Farms. We had a very successful foaling
season and have added many wonderful foals and fillies to our farm. We are looking forward to
watching them develop. Unfortunately we lost a couple during a big storm despite all our valiant
efforts. We have had to be extra careful with the fly treatment as the little ones have been reacting
to the best available products.
It is hard to believe that the signs of Fall are in full swing....harvesting is well under way, the leaves
will be turning colour soon and the geese gathering. Our excitement for this Fall is the FIRST litter
for Muffin and Jasper! The puppies are expected around Thanksgiving and we can't wait to see
their colours....will there be an all black or a brown? Check back soon to find out.....
Lynn and John
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June 2009
We have 10 foals on the ground including 3 stud colts and the rest fillies. They are some of the
best foals we have had.
Lynn and John